Monday, March 3, 2008

God's movie stars!

People often ask “Well, if God knows that we are either going to go to Heaven or to Hell, why does he not just send us there and get it over with?” That is a very good question that for a while I have had a difficult time trying to give a logical answer to. The explanation that I have decided to be the best one for now is that of comparing life to a movie that God is watching. In a sense God has already seen our movie because he is all knowing. He does know already “where we’re going to go”. He knows what’s going to happen in each scene of the movie and he knows the overall outcome of the movie.

But, when people get upset thinking about God playing back life, it is because it’s hard to view a God that can know some of his creation will not make it to Heaven, but still does nothing about it. They want it to be that everyone gets a “happily ever after”. The facts are though that some who hear the truth, who read the gospel, simply reject the message and in turn, they reject their happy ending. But even so, God is not going to cut into the filmstrip and edit the parts he dislikes; he is just watching the whole thing through. It’s up to us to determine if our story will be a horror film that keeps us up late into the night, or if our life will be that of a love story, where separated family is once again reunited in the end. The movie that we feel good about when we see it, when we walk away smiling because things ended how they should.

I tend to think that God is “re-watching” the movie of life because even though the number of those saved isn’t exactly what he wants (2nd Peter 3:9), some do still make it. I believe that God is so thrilled with the safety of those being saved, he is rewinding it to see again the good parts of the life he gave to us, like an old home movie that ends with a happy reunion of his family.