Monday, January 21, 2008

Are you ready to share your heart?

I was looking at a cereal box one day. It was a Kellogg’s Smart Start Healthy Heart Original. The advertisement was from the American Heart Association and their slogan was “Are you ready to share your heart?” And, even though it was a healthy heart slogan, all I could think about was Matthew 22:37 “And He said to him, ‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind.’” As I was thinking about loving God with everything I had, I started to think of things that I myself and others like me might love and love to think about. I started to think of things that would prevent us from giving our hearts and minds completely over to God.

I began to notice a pattern, in that everything I could think of fit into the category of Divine Distraction. Be it a house, a car or clothes, anything could be something that pulls your heart away from God. There are so many things in our hearts and on our minds, how can we possibly forget them all and only focus on God? But, that’s not the problem. The problem is that so many times we do just the opposite of that. We worry about the things that are happening all around us and we completely forget about God the one who made us.

Worrying about where money will come from to pay the bills on the house, car or gas. Thinking about how we are going to keep food on the table or what clothes we are going to wear. To some these problems are more relevant than others and all of these are seemingly big problems. Though, if we just keep God as the main focus in our life, it will be easy to realize that everything that is worldly is such a small problem. We all know Matthew 6:25-34 how God provides for the sparrows food and how the lilies are clothed more brilliantly than even Solomon with his robes. We all know how the passage reads that we are more important to God than the lilies or the birds and how it says how much more God will provide for us. We all know that passage and we’ve heard it dozens of times, but it’s time we start to believe it. Stop sharing your heart with things that are not important and start giving your heart to God who is the only one that deserves our heart, mind and soul. After all, he made everything that is in this world; he can make it all work out right for us.

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