Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Now, what will you give for Jesus?

One Sunday morning I saw a man stand up in front of the church to pray for the Lord’s Supper and he began to speak to the congregation. He said something to the effect of how he might have views on certain things that may or may not be correct and, how he might not think of the same conclusion as some do on a particular subject. The people in the congregation were smiling as they knew this man. I assumed maybe some in the group had even gotten into disputes with him on certain issues. But, the man was silent as he thought for a moment and it was fairly quiet in the rest of the church as well. The man collected his thoughts, then he said something that made me forget everything else that was on my mind. The man said “I do not think that Jesus Christ spilled his blood for us.” He paused for a moment to let our minds mull on what he had just said.

With everyone’s attention he began to explain why he felt the way he did. He explained that if he had a cup of water next to him and he accidentally bumped it with his arm and knocked it over, that would be him spilling his water. It would be something that happened accidentally and or against the speakers will. He then said “But, Jesus didn’t spill his blood for us. Jesus gave his life’s blood for us on the cross”. He went on and explained how Jesus dying on the cross was no accident. How Jesus lived his life as a perfect sacrifice with full intent on giving his blood for us.

So the next time you think you have it bad. The next time you think that people or even God is asking you to give too much. Just remember that Jesus died for us and he died for us willingly. He willingly gave his life, willingly gave his body and he willingly gave his blood for us who are not even worthy to receive it. Jesus was willing to give his blood for us, what will you give to him? We all sin, and our sins caused the drops of blood to fall from Jesus' body. Let us live a life that is as worthy of Christ's blood. In closing I will leave you with the same words the man left the congregation with that one Sunday morning: “Let us remember what he gave for us on that tree”.

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