Saturday, January 26, 2008

Praise be to God and Jesus

In the book of Acts chapter two verse forty seven it starts off the first two words by saying “praising God…”. As God's creation, human beings should begin and end their days with praising God and going all throughout the days praising God. Thanking him for the creation he has given to be seen, felt, and heard. The earth is a wonderful product of the mighty power of God. Though Christians should not only be thankful for his creation and his awesome power, but also like those in verse forty-seven, thankful for the saving power of Jesus Christ. Praising God daily for the blessing of his mercy, his grace and his wonder.

Ten verses before Acts 2:47 when those gathered together, were listening to Peter in 2:37, heard that Christ Jesus was crucified for their sins, they were cut in their hearts. Realizing it was for them that Jesus died made his sacrifice so very real and personal. And, when reality set in as to why Jesus died that terrible death they did not sit and whine, “Woe is me, I am responsible for the death of my savior”, but they praised God all the more because, he went to the cross for them.

Christ died for those in the church today as well, and it should be as personal and as real now as it was in those days. We should all be praising God for him giving his son as a sacrifice for us and, giving praise to Jesus for surrendering his life for us now and for those who were. Praise be to God and Jesus.

1 comment:

Janet said...

Buddy, Let me tell you how much I loved reading your posts (even though they made me cry). You are wiser then your years. You have such a way with words. May God continue to bless you and keep you from harms way. Keep on Keeping on! Love ya, Aunt Janet